Does Acupuncture Hurt?
Nope, not really! There can be some sensation involved when needles are inserted, but it tends to feel more like a pinch, a prick, or pressure, rather than a painful sensation. And quite often, you don’t feel it going in at all.
There can be some sensation involved when needles are inserted, but it tends to feel more like a pinch, a prick, or pressure, rather than a painful sensation. And quite often, you don’t feel it going in at all.
How is that possible? It’s a needle!
Yep, it’s a needle, but I’m happy to say, it’s not THAT kind of needle. We all know what it feels like to have a needle for a blood draw or vaccine inserted, and those can be quite uncomfortable. The difference with acupuncture is the needle itself. Acupuncture needles are very thin – about 10x smaller in diameter than the hypodermic needles you may have experienced during a blood draw or injection, or with a lancet for a finger stick. Acupuncture needles are only about twice the diameter of a human hair, and you’ll often hear us say they’re about as thick as a cat’s whisker.
So what can you expect to feel from an acupuncture needle?
As we said, you might have mild sensation as the needle is inserted, or you might not feel anything at all. Once the needle is in place, we may rotate it or move it a bit and you may have what we call a “da Qi” sensation. Da Qi can feel like a slight buzz or tingle, and you may feel it travel for a fraction of a second. While it’s not required for the treatment to work, it can be a good thing. It’s a nice example of the subtle feedback our bodies are always giving – and it’s a great thing to share with your practitioner.
No matter what you feel, the sensation should pass very quickly – like, in a second or two. If there is lingering sensation, just let us know and we’ll adjust. Acupuncture is not supposed to be painful and there is no expectation that you will grin and bear it if something feels off.